Lowered High Blood Pressure

So my dear husband went in to get a check up only to find out he had high blood pressure - 141/92 back on March 18, 2015. It was a little bit of a shock since we eat clean and exercise regularly.  Rather than being placed on some sort of medication, I did my research to find a natural way to resolve this situation.

Photo by AndreyPopov/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by AndreyPopov/iStock / Getty Images

He was already taking the following:

I also created an essential oil blend and put it in a  roller bottle.  The oils I used were:

I put 15 drops of each oil into the roller bottle and topped it off with sweet almond oil. He would smell this blend (it isn't call "AROMA-therapy" for nothing  :)) and then apply it to the back of his neck 2-3 times a day.

After two weeks, he had his blood pressure taken again today - it was 110/82!!

** 11/10/2015 UPDATE - His blood pressure has consistently stayed down.
His last measurement on 10/29/2015 was 117/75.

Perhaps not everyone will have results as quickly, but it certainly is promising and encouraging to find an alternative solution that doesn't involve a pharmaceutical!
