Blair's Be Well

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Little Balls of Wonder

Have you ever wanted a health solution that cost less than $10?  Have you struggled to find a remedy that was safe for your child?  Let me introduce you to Homeopathic medicine. The specific remedies I'm talking about come in these small little cylinders filled with little white balls – so can they really be effective?  Let’s find out!

The word Homeopathy, which comes from the Greek, through Latin into English, literally means “like disease”. The guiding principle of homeopathic medicine is that most healing is actually done by our own bodies with modest help from medical treatment. Symptoms of illness means that the body’s own healing response is not sufficiently strong. With Homeopathic remedies, they stimulated the body’s own healing abilities causing our body to respond appropriately, alleviating the symptoms. 

Why isn’t homeopathic medicine more familiar?

Homeopathy was developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in German at the end of the 18th century and was at one time the predominate school of Western medicine.(1) Homeopathic medicine is no longer considered an “alternative medicine” in Europe. Instead, it has become an integral part of mainstream medical care.  In fact, currently 32% of France’s family physicians prescribe homeopathic medicines. (2) According to a British Medical Journal survey, 42% of British physicians refer patients to homeopathic physicians. (3) The growth and increasing respectability of homeopathy has spread to the United States as well.  While the homeopathic movement is considerably smaller than in Europe, a growing number of people and physicians seek homeopathy because it makes more sense.

What is Homeopathic medicine?

They are little pellets or liquid mixtures (solutions) containing only a little of an active ingredient (usually a plant or mineral) for treatment of a condition or disease. These are known as highly diluted or "potentiated" substances. Homeopathic medicines are prepared through a series of dilutions, at each step of which there is a vigorous agitation of the solution called succession, until there is no detectable chemical substance left.  As paradoxical as it may seem, the higher the dilution, when prepared in this dynamic way, the more potent the homeopathic remedy.  The minimum dose has the maximum therapeutic effect with the fewest side effects.  In fact, Homeopathy has centuries old history of safety and is safe for patients of all ages, including babies, children, pregnant and nursing women, and senior citizens. (4) Homeopathic remedies was standardized by the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States in the 19th century and the Pharmacopeia has been regulated since 1988 by the FDA and are considered safe.

How do you use homeopathic medicine?

 “Like treats like” is what homeopathy is all about.  For example, Apis is honeybee poison.  The poison causes swelling, pain and even itching. When taken in a very diluted form, the honeybee poison actually treats what it “causes”.  I suffer from a condition called “Skeeter Syndrome” – I am hyper-allergic to mosquito bites.  Bites becomes hard and hot; the area around becomes very swollen and painful and it can last up to 2 weeks without relief.  Last month, I was bitten while at the park with my kids.  I took 5 Apis pellets and dissolved them under my tongue. Within 10 minutes, my body stopped reacted to the bite – the area didn’t get hot, hard or painful and the itch lasted off & on for 24 hours.  I was amazed!

Over the last couple of months, I’ve had several occasions to try a variety of these homeopathic wonders and see for myself if they do in fact work. Watch this video to learn about what I discovered.

Here are some of the Homeopathic remedies I have used and what I used them for: 

  • Belladonna and Aconitum Napellus  - treat seizure in our dog 
  • Ledum – bug bites
  • Apis – allergic reaction to bug bites
  • Aeschylus Hippocastanum -  Hemorrhoids 
  • Rhus Toxicodendron – Restless leg syndrome
  • Belladonna - hip pain
  • Aconite – Sprains, fractures, swelling and bruising
  • Cocculus - driving motion sickness (forward moving motion) 
  • Borax - Flying motion sickness (Downward motion)
  • Petroleum - Seasickness (rising motion with a sinking feeling)

There are so many conditions and symptoms that can be helped with Homeopathy such as: Depression, colds, allergies, headaches, fibromyalgia, ear infections, constipation, nausea, shingles, PMS, menopause, insomnia, etc.  The list is quite long and very impressive. Keep in mind, you “use the same dosage with a mouse as you would an elephant”.  There is no need to take more based on a person’s size.  Homeopathic medicines are safe for humans of all ages as well as pets. If by chance you take a remedy that you didn’t need, no worries.  Homeopathic remedies will either help you or do nothing at all – there are no side effects!

If you would like to learn more, here is an excellent book which I highly recommend:
Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines.

I also purchased a kit that came with 36 remedies.  It was a great deal since each remedy can cost between $6-$8 and I paid $73 – that’s roughly a $143 savings!
Homeopathy World 36 Homeopathic Remedy Deluxe Starter Kit

You don't have to buy a kit. You can purchase individual remedies either online or at your local health food store.

Please do share your story and what success you have with these tiny little white pellets. I always look forward to hearing what you think and traveling on the journey to better health together. Till next time…

1) Stephen Cumings, M.D and Dana Ullman,MPH; "Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines", Penguin Group, 2004: xiii.
2) F. Bouchayer, "Alternative Medicines: A General Approach to the French Situation", Complementary Medical Research 4(2): 4-8.
3) Richard Wharton and George Lewith, "Complementary Medicine and the General Practitioner," British Medical Journal 292 (7 June, 1986): 1498-1500.
4) American Institute of Homeopathy. Sandra M. Chase, MD, DHt, n.d. Web. 23 June 2016,